Main Screen

This is ESS Reporter's Main Window.

Note: Most fields have tool-tips. Hover your mouse over a field to display the tool tip.

Menu Items

The Menu items are as follows:

Buttons etc


This button brings up the Provider Details screen. Area to the right of the button will display the name of the Provider. If no Provider has been selected, this will display 'You must update this'.


This button brings up the Choose Year screen.


This button brings up the Employees Included in this Report screen. Employees can be added, edited and deleted from that screen.


This button brings up the Supplier screen. Supplier details can be added, edited or loaded from that screen. Area to the right of the button will display the name of the Supplier. If no Supplier has been selected, this will display 'You must update this'.

Ref No.

This button brings up the File Reference screen. An optional File Reference can be added, edited or deleted from that screen.

Data Review

This button brings up the Employee Data Review screen. Before the ESSAR.E01 file can be generated, all Employee data must be marked Checked = Yes.

Generate Files

This button brings up the Generate Files screen. (This button is only enabled after all required steps are completed). This is where you generate the electronic file for lodgment to the ATO and Report Summary.

How to use ESS Reporter

This button brings up a screen showing an outline of the process for quick reference.


This button opens the on-line Help using your default browser.