Employee Data Review Screen

This screen shows all the Employees included in the Report. You will not be able to Generate Files until all Employees show Checked = Yes. If you have numerous Employees which are not yet checked, it may be easier to go back the the Employees Included Screen and use the 'Check All' button, this will quickly check all Employees. You can then edit and correct those that had errors.

Note: Most fields have tool-tips. Hover your mouse over a field to display the tool tip.

Employee Table

This table shows some information for each included Employee including Employee or Payroll No, their TFN, Name and a Checked indicator. The table is fully sortable to assist you in finding Employees based on various criteria. The columns shown should provide enough information to allow you to identify each Employee.


Shows a count of the Employees in the table.

Check Employee

This button is used to save/check the details of the selected Employee. You must first tick the check-box in the Employee ID column for the Employee you want to save/check. Clicking this button will bring up the Employee Details screen for the selected Employee. The quickest approach is to then press the Save button on the Employee Details screen. This will highlight any fields that have Errors or Warnings. Fix any Errors and review all Warnings and fix where appropriate. If you want to Save despite the presence of a Warning, tick the Ignore Warnings box on that screen, then click Save again. Once the Employee Details are Saved, the Employee Details screen will close and you will be returned to the Data Review screen. Select the next Employee and repeat until all show Yes in the Checked column.

Check All

Click this button to have ESS Reporter perform the required edit checks on all Employees in the List. A pop up will advise if there were any errors. All those Employees who passed the edit checks will have a Yes in the Checked column. Those who failed will have an Error in the Checked Column. All errors must be corrected before an ESSAR.E01 file for lodgment to the ATO can be generated. Click the Checked column header to sort the List on this column. This can help bring all the Errors together for easy identification. After the Check All process is complete, the Checked count (bottom right of List) is updated and should match the Count on the bottom left of the List.


Shows a count of Employees in the table which have been marked as Checked. All Employees must show Yes in the Checked column before the Generate Files button is enabled on the Main screen.


This button opens the on-line Help using your default browser.


Pressing here will close this screen and bring you back to the Main screen.