Provider Details Screen

The Provider Details screen is a read-only screen which shows Provider information currently held in this Report.

To add or edit any information on this screen, you need to click the 'Select from Provider List' button. This will open a Provider List screen from which you will be able to select a Provider for this Report. The Provider List is a permanent list of Provider information help in a separate file. New Providers can be added to the list and existing Provider Details can be edited.

Select from Provider List

This button opens the Provider List screen. You can select an existing Provider from that screen. You can also Add a new Provider or Edit an existing Provider. Any changes made are changes to the Provider List. You will then need to press the Update button to apply those changes to this Report.


This button opens the on-line Help using your default browser.


Pressing here will close this screen without any changes to the Provider Details in this Report. This will bring you back to the Main Screen.

If you have made any changes to the Provider Details (via the Select Provider from List button) you will be prompted to update any changes made to the Report before closing this screen.


Pressing here will update all the Provider Details in this Report with any changes to the Provider List (via the Select Provider from List button)