Supplier Details for this Report Screen

The Supplier is the individual or entity that will be lodging the Report with the ATO. The Supplier may be an accounting/bookkeeping firm which lodges Reports for several Providers, or the Supplier and the Provider may be the same.

Note: Most fields have tool-tips. Hover your mouse over a field to display the tool tip.

Warning Indicator - this fields technically is acceptable but may be incorrect.

Error Indicator - this fields fails edit checking and must be corrected.

Load Default

To save re-entering the same Supplier Details for every Report, ESS Reporter allows you to save the current screen details as the Default Supplier Details (using the Set as Default button).

When commencing a new Report, use the Load Default button to load the previously saved Supplier Default details into this screen. Note that this will replace the current screen details.


Enter the Supplier's name as it appears on the ABN Register and on the Supplier's activity statements. Valid characters are A-Z 0-9 ( ) <> space & / apostrophe “” hyphen # @. Mr, Mrs etc should not be included.

(max 200 chars)


Supplier ABN must be a valid 11 digit ABN, entered in this format (XX XXX XXX XXX).

Supplier Street Address

Street Address Line 1 and Line 2

Lines 1 and 2 must only contain the Supplier's street address (excluding suburb, town or locality, state, postcode and country).  It is not necessary to use both lines. The second line can be left blank. Valid Characters are A-Z 0-9 ( ) space & / apostrophe “” hyphen #.

(max 38 chars per line)


The suburb, town or locality for the street address of the Supplier. Valid Characters are A-Z 0-9 ( ) space & / apostrophe “” hyphen #.

(max 27 chars)


Select a state or territory for the postal address of the Supplier from the drop down list. Must be ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA or for overseas addresses use OTH.


The postcode for the street address of the Supplier. This field accepts numeric characters only. If you have an overseas address, then this field must be set to 9999.


The country for the street address of the Supplier. This field can be left blank if the country is Australia. If the Supplier postcode is 9999 then a country other than Australia must be entered. Valid Characters are A-Z 0-9 ( ) space & / apostrophe “” hyphen #.

(max 20 chars)

Supplier - Other Information

Contact Name

Enter the name of a person in the organisation sending the data who will be able to answer questions in relation to any problems with the report.

(max 50 chars)

Contact Telephone

Enter the telephone number for the nominated contact person.  This can be either the area code followed by the telephone number for example 0212345678, or mobile phone number for example 0466123456. Do not included dashes or brackets etc

(max 15 chars)


An email address for the Supplier can be provided. This will be used by the ATO for acknowledgment of receipt of the report, certain processing enquiries and general correspondence.

(max 76 chars)

Set as Default

See Load Default above. Pressing this button will save the current Supplier details on screen as the Default Supplier Details. These details can then be loaded for later Reports without having to manually re-enter.

Note: this will replace any currently saved Default Supplier Details.


This button opens the on-line Help using your default browser.


Pressing here will close this screen without updating the Supplier Details in the Report. This will bring you back to the Main screen. If changes have been made, you will be prompted to update.

Update for this Report

Pressing here will update all the Supplier Details in the Report. An edit check will be performed for data validity including compulsory fields. Any invalid or missing compulsory fields will be highlighted. After a successful Update, this screen will close and you will be back on the Main screen.