Payroll Category needs to be Mapped

Every Payroll Categories that is used in a Payroll transaction must be mapped. This tells STP Creator how to treat the amounts paid against that Payroll Category. When STP Creator loads data from the linked MYOB® file and it detects a Payroll Category that has been used but not mapped, you will be alerted with a Cross besides Check Payroll Categories on the Main Screen.  When you click Check Payroll Categories you will see this screen.

The 'Payroll Categories that have been used and need to be Mapped' Fix button on the Check Payroll Categories screen will bring up this screen:

This screen will list any Payroll Categories that need to be mapped.

Multiple Mapping

If there are several that need to be mapped to the same STP Field, select the Cat ID of the Payroll Categories and then click the 'Map selected Payroll Categories - Multiple' button. This will open the Payroll Category Editor screen as per the example below:

All selected Payroll categories will be mapped the same way.

Single Mapping

Select the Cat ID of the Payroll Category you need to map and then click the 'Map selected Payroll Categories - Single' button. This will open the Payroll Category Editor screen as per the example below:

The selected Payroll Category will be mapped to this STP Field.

Add STP Field to Dropdown List

If the STP Field you need to use does not appear in the dropdown list, click this button to open the STP Fields table and select the STP Fields you need to use. These fields will then appear in the Drop Down List.

Once updated the Payroll Category will be removed from this list. When the list is empty, click Close. This should return you to the Check Payroll Categories screen and the cross next to 'Payroll Categories that have been used and need to be Mapped' should now be a tick.