Other Specified Payments

(from the ATO's Business Implementation Guide)

Other Specified Payments - Specified payments by regulation 27 of the Taxation Administration Regulations 2017. Income from tutorial services provided for the Aboriginal Tutorial Assistance Scheme of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment; from translation and interpretation services for the Translating and Interpreting Service of the Department of Home Affairs; as a performing artist in a promotional activity.

STP Creator - MYOB Users

In STP Creator, the above information is entered/selected on the Employment Details screen, accessible from the Payee Details screen. STP Creator will extract the details from the Employee's Card in MYOB and this can be used to pre-fill the selections. Also if changes are made to the Employee Card, you will be required to update the Employment Details screen to ensure it reflects the changes.

STP Creator - non MYOB Users

In STP Creator, the above information is entered/selected on the Employment Details screen, accessible from the Payee Details screen. .

Note: Only one Income Type can be set for each Payee ID. If an employee changes Income Types during a payroll year, create a new Payee ID for the new Income Type. For example if an employee started as a Working Holiday Maker and later became an Australian Resident, use one Payee ID for the Working Holiday Maker Income Type and a different Payee ID for the Salary and Wages Income Type.