Updates - New Version is available: x.x.x.x

If having problems with Updates, see here

On start up (depending on your Preferences) you may see a message similar to this:

This message is simply to alert you to the fact that there is a newer version available. We have streamlined the update process so the installer will un-install your current version and install the new version - settings and Data files will not be affected. We have also removed the attempt to update the Microsoft files (as these will already be on your system).

Do I have to update?

While you can skip the occasional update (some are just minor bug fixes), we do recommend you update regularly to benefit from improvements to the reporting process, security updates and bug fixes.

Namich understands updates can be inconvenient and this is why we do not enforce immediate updates. However deferring updates indefinitely compromises security. So after an update is superceded by 8-9 updates, the older version will be 'de-commissioned' or 'switched off'. The same thing can happen if the ATO advises us a particular version has an unacceptable bug. Once a version is 'de-commissioned', it can no longer be used and you must update to continue to Report.

Once the Updates skipped count exceeds 3, the number will be highlighted. Once the number gets to around 8, 'de-commissioning' is 'imminent' and you should download and install the latest update.

In addition, Namich provides technical support for the latest available version only. If you are having any difficulty with STP Creator, please update to the latest version before requesting support.

Server installation or IT Support

If you don't have permission to install software, for example your system prevents you, or you need Administrator privileges or if software must be installed by your IT consultant, be sure to schedule the update with the appropriate person on their next visit.

When you next go to use STP Creator, you may see this message below - so don't put off updating too long, especially if you need to co-ordinate with your IT consultant to install updates.

How to Update?

Updating is a simple process. Use the Close & Download Update button to close STP Creator. The Updates page will open in your default Browser. Download the Update - this comes as a setup.exe file. Once the download is complete, run the Setup file. This will un-install your current version and install the newer version. Your Data Set file(s), settings and Licence file will not be affected. Run STP Creator from the desktop icon.

Here is a link to the Updates page for Release 2

Disable Updates check

you can disable this Update Check from the Maintenance > Preferences screen, however you will not be notified of that a version is soon to be de-commissioned.

Default Installation

By default, STP Creator will install in C:\Program Files (x86)\Namich\STP_Creator_2 - when you update, your existing installation will be updated. If you want to change where STP Creator will be installed, you will need to first un-install STP Creator yourself - use the Uninstaller under Start > All Programs > Namich > STP_Creator or Add/Remove programs under Control Panel.

When you then run the installer, you can specify a different location.

Installation Issues

For any installation issues, see Download and install STP Creator

Update Error

This message indicates STP Creator could not access our server to check for the latest version. Ensure your computer has internet access.