How to Use STP Creator - an overview

STP Creator file types:

The Process

Start by creating a Permanent Data Set (.dsf2) file. If using MYOB®, this involves selecting the MYOB® company file that will be linked to this file, as well as adding payees and payroll categories from your company file. Select the STP Fields you will use. Add Mapping details for all Payroll Categories you use. Select the Payees you want to include in your STP Report. All these settings are saved in this file for future use.

When ready to report payroll, run STP Creator and open the .dsf file.

Click Load Payroll Data - This reads all current payroll data from the company file, runs various checks and alerts you to any issues you may need to resolve. All Payroll YTD data for the selected Payees is included irrespective of Dates. If not using MYOB®, at this step you either import YTD payroll data or enter on screen.

Click Check Payees - only if a indicates there is an issue to address

Click Check Payroll Categories - only if a cross indicates there is an issue to address

Click Set Reporting Period - specify the dates you are reporting for - this step also calculates Activity Statement totals for the Payment Date(s) specified.

Click View and Lodge STP Report  - STP Creator uses all the above data and settings to prepare the STP data to be sent to the ATO. You will be alerted to any issues you may need to resolve. The Payee Data from the table on this screen will be sent to the ATO. Note that for each Payee included in this table, this will replace all previous STP Reports sent to the ATO.

These are all one click processes in most cases.

Click the Lodge button to actually Send the data to the ATO.

The process centers around the Main Screen:

Essentially you need to step through the 6 buttons on the Main Screen.

1 Load Settings from Data Set file - if required, this opens up a new screen where you can create or select a Data Set file. (Skipped if a Data Set file is already loaded)

2. Load Payroll Data - this step loads the payroll data from a linked MYOB file or allows you to import if not using a linked MYOB file.

3. Check Payees - if required, prompts you to correct any identified issues relating to Payees

4. Check Payroll Categories - if required, prompts you to correct any identified issues relating to Payroll Categories

5. Set Reporting Period  - Select the dates for this Report. This step also calculates Activity Statement W1 and W2 totals for the selected Payment Date(s).

6. View and Lodge STP Report  This opens up a new screen which shows all the STP data to be sent to the ATO. Use the Lodge button to Send the data.