Pay Category Does Not Exist

Basic Principles

Update from Company File

When you click Update from Company File, the Payroll Category Mapping table will be updated. All Payroll Categories currently in the MYOB® file will be added to the Table.

If a Payroll Category in the MYOB® file is not yet in the Payroll Category Mapping table (for example you have recently added a new Payroll Category in your MYOB® file) it will be added to the table.

If the Payroll Category already exists in the table (based in the Cat ID), the Payroll Category will be will be updated for any Name Change.

After all Payroll Categories have been added, a reverse check takes place. STP Creator checks all Payroll Categories currently in the table also exist in the linked MYOB® company file - this is based on the Cat ID not the Name. It STP Creator detects a Payroll Category that is not in the MYOB® company file, you will see a message similar to the image below:

This is likely caused by the fact that this Payroll Category has since been deleted from your MYOB® company file. Make a note of the IDs and then select them and click Delete. The selected Payroll Categories will be deleted from the Data Set file.