Migrating a Phase 1 Data Set file to Phase 2


You need to ensure you complete the FY 2022 EOY Finalisation and backup processes in STP Creator Release 1 as your normally would. This means sending a Final Indicator = TRUE for all your Payee for FY 2022, saving a copy of your Data Set file as Final 2022, saving a backup of your MYOB file as Payroll 2022.myo etc - see here End of Year Procedure for more information.

STP Creator 2 has a built in Migrator for Phase 2. Note this process is best done after you have processed your first pay for FY 2023 in MYOB, however can be done at any time before 1 Sep 2022 (Phase 2 Deferral expires). We strongly recommend users follow this Migration Video. The video covers the entire process and provides more explanation than the steps below.


1. Download and install STP Creator 2 from our Downloads page. Run STP Creator 2 from the new icon on your desktop. You will see something like this:

Close STP Creator. The purpose of running and then closing STP Creator 2 is to create a new folder under Documents called STP_Creator_2.

2. Locate your current Data Set file - this has a .dsf extension. If not sure where it is located, run your existing version of STP Creator and note the location on the sign in screen - Cancel and close.

This should be a dataset file with links to a valid licence and the correct MYOB file (if using MYOB). If you have moved or renamed either, first open the existing Data Set file in the original version of STP Creator, and correct the links. If licence has expired, get this renewed and linked before trying to migrate to STP Creator 2.

Copy this Data Set file to the new folder (Documents\STP_Creator_2). Next copy your existing licence file from Documents\STP_Creator\Licence to Documents\STP_Creator_2\Licence.

3. Rename the copied file so you can identify it as a Phase 2 data set and change the extension to .dsf2. For example if your current Data Set is call CoyA DataSet.dsf, rename the copy as CoyA DataSet_R2.dsf2. Do not delete your current Data Set file, you may need it should you has to use Phase 1 again, for example to amend FY 2022 payroll or to clear FY 2023 payroll reports.

4. Run STP Creator 2. Click 1. Load Settings from Data Set file. Next use Browse 1 to select and open the copy you just created and renamed, in our example CoyA DataSet_R2.dsf2. You will see this message:

Click Yes, then log into the Data Set file. User name and password will be as it was in the original Data Set file.

You will see a screen similar to this:

5. Click the Update button at Step 1. The X will change to a tick.

6. Click the Update button at Step 2. You will see a message similar to below:

This message basically means at least one of your payroll categories has had it's mapping removed, and if you ever use that payroll categories, you will be prompted to map it to the relevant STP Field for Phase 2. For example any payroll category that was mapped to Employee gross pay will now need to be re-mapped. This includes things like Overtime, Holiday Pay, Sick Pay. These are common payroll categories that can no longer be mapped to Gross Amount and must be mapped to the specific STP Field like Overtime, Other Paid Leave, etc.

7. If Payer Details need to be Updated, click the Update button at Step 3 and update Payer details. Contact information and a postal address is now required. The X will change to a tick.

8.  Click the Update button at Step 4. While shown as optional, the Employee Details must be updated. Doing it here is easier, however you can also do this part one by one for each Payee. You will see a screen similar to this:

If using MYOB, click the buttons showing the Red 1, 2 then 3.

If not using MYOB, click the buttons showing the Green 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Click '1. Load Data from linked MYOB file'.

For each Payee, you need to set Employment Details ( 1. and 2.) and a Tax Treatment Code (3. to 8.) as well as Tax Offset. It is unlikely that all these settings will be the same for every Payee, however many employees will have the same or similar settings. The idea here is to choose the settings that will apply to 'most' of your Payees.

Click '2. Manually set most common below' - this will set Income Stream Type to Salary and Wages, Employment Basis to Full time, Tax Category to Regular, Option to Tax-Free Threshold, and No for items 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8.

Modify these are necessary to suit most of your Payees, for example most of your Payees might be Casual rather than Full time.


Click '2. Auto set based on MYOB settings' this will individually set the Payee Employment Details based on the detail in the linked MYOB file - this process is more efficient.

Click '3. Update Employment Details in Data Set file' - this will apply these setting to all of your Payees.

Click the Close button. The X at Step 4 will change to a tick. Remember once the Migration process is complete, you will need review and edit to the Employment Details for any Payees where the above settings were incorrect. For example if one of your employees has a Student Loan but was not linked to a HELP tax table in MYOB, you will need to edit this Payees Employment Details from the Payee Details screen.

9. Click the Update button at Step 5. This will commit all these changes to this Data Set file. The X will change to a tick.

10. Click Close to exit the Migration process.

11. Use Browse 1 from the Permanent Data Set screen to select and open this migrated Data Set file.

12. Click the Payees button on the Permanent Data Set screen to open the Payee Table. If you are starting a new payroll year and some of the Payees set as 'Included' in the STP Report will not be continuing with you in the new payroll year, select them and then click the 'Exclude' from STP.

Next, scroll across to see the Income Stream Type, Employment Basis, Tax Treatment Code and Tax Offset columns showing the settings for each Payee. Select those that need to be edited and click the Edit button. Alternatively if you have a large number that need to be updated, you can Export this Payee Table to a tab delimited file, modify and then Import.

13. Use the Browse 2 button to link this Data Set file to the licence file copied to Documents\STP_Creator_2\Licence

14. Click Save & Close Screen to return to the Main Screen. From the Maintenance menu select Preferences. Use the Browse 5 button to select the licence file copied to
Documents\STP_Creator_2\Licence. Click Save to update Preferences. You will see a message about re-starting STP Creator - you can ignore this at this stage.

15. From the Main Menu click '2. Load Payroll Data' - use the Pay Event option. Attend to any crosses in the usual manner. For example Check Payroll Categories will have a cross as you will need to Map any Payroll Categories where the exiting Mapping has been reset. Use this link to What's New in STP Phase 2 as a guide for how certain payroll categories will need to be linked for Phase 2.

Note 1: 2 Key STP Fields have been renamed. 'Employee gross pay' is now GrossAmount and 'Employee Tax' is now PAYGWAmount.

Note 2: In Phase 2 there are a number of new STP Fields due to Disaggregation of Gross. Basically this means things like overtime, leave, bonuses and allowances need to be separately reported. Any income that needs to be separately reported should be mapped to the specific fields, such as bonuses to BonusesandCommissionAmount, overtime to OvertimeAmount, Holiday and Sick Pay to LeaveType O Other. Any remaining income payroll categories can then be mapped to Gross Amount

Note 3: In Phase 2, if an employee Salary Sacrifices, the GrossAmount needs to show the pre-salary sacrifice amount and the salary sacrifice amount needs to be reported separately. The salary sacrifice Offset has been removed. See the ATO Website for more details.

Review all existing mapping. If you use Child Support Payroll Categories, ensure they are mapped to DeductionCSGarnishee or DeductionCSDeduction, unless they are Not Reportable. Use DeductionCSGarnishee if you have received a formal 'Garnishee' Notice, otherwise us DeductionCSDeduction if you have received a normal notice to deduct and remit Child Support. Voluntary Child Support deductions are not reportable  

Once there are ticks next to Check Payee and Check Payroll Categories, the migration process is complete. You can continue with Step 5 and then Step 6 to generate and check your first Phase 2 STP Report. Closely review your Step 6 Final STP Report Data on your first STP Phase 2 report to ensure all amounts are being reported correctly. Note that there is a new column called Income Check, this adds all of the Disaggregated Gross amounts and subtracts Salary Sacrifice, as per example here.

16. If you have lodged STP reports for FY 2023 using your previous version of STP Creator, DO NOT lodge this first Phase 2 Report yet. Close the Final STP Report Data screen and return to Step 2 (Load Payroll Data).

17. This time select as per image below:

18. On the screen that pops up, enter the BMS ID of the software you used to report in FY 2023 prior to migrating to STP Creator 2. If you used STP Creator, enter NAMICHSTP1 as the Previous BMS ID as per image below:

Click OK - then continue to Lodge this Update with the ATO.

19. Once the Update with Previous BMS ID has been lodged, you can report your first STP Creator 2 Pay Event.You do not need to re-report any payroll previously reported using the earlier software. Close the Final STP Report Data screen and return to Step 2 (Load Payroll Data).

20. This time select as per image below:

Complete the STP Report as per usual and Lodge with the ATO.