List Service

If this Data Set file was created as an Adjust only Data Set file, the Main Screen will appear as per the image below. This is specifically for when a user wants to use STP Creator to Adjust or List STP W1 W2 amounts reported through other STP software such as via MYOB's Payroll Reporting Centre or via Xero etc

When you click the 3. List Service button, you will see the screen below.

You will need to specify the Date Type. The Effective date is the Payment Date for a Pay Event, the Update Date for an Update Event and the Effective Date for an Adjust Event. The Reported Date is the date the STP Report was lodged or received by the ATO.

In the example above, the reported W1 and W2 amounts for all Pay, Update and Adjust Events where the Effective Date was in the Sep 2023 quarter will be retrieved

When you click the Lodge button, you will see this message below.

And then the SBR Hub screen with the new List Event at the top of the table as illustrated below. Note the blue highlight showing this Type as List. Select the Report ID (in this case 79) and click the Lodge button. Once the report has been lodged, click the Check Result button. You will receive an on-screen message showing the outcome. You will also receive email notification similar to the emails when lodging a Pay Event or an Update Event. One email after you click Lodge acknowledging a new report has been lodged and then one email once you click Check Result and a response is received. The second email will advise if the Report has been Accepted or Rejected. If rejected, you will need to correct the error and re-lodge.

If the Report was Accepted, click the View Report button. This will open up a new notepad file with the ATO list results as per example below. You can save this as a text file or copy and paste into a spreadsheet such as excel. This will allow you to easily add the amounts as required.