JobMaker - The Basics

See this ATO Link for details about JobMaker.

For a Step by Step guide see this ATO link - JobMaker Hiring Credit Step by Step Guide

For PDF Fact Sheet on Eligible Additional Employees see this ATO link - JobMaker Hiring Credit - Eligible additional employees.pdf

JobMaker Codes

There are 2 types of JobMaker Codes:

To reverse an incorrect code, an 'X' is appended to the code, for example JMHC-NOMX or JMHC-P01X.

To Send a JobMaker Code using STP Creator

JobMaker Codes are set on the relevant Payee Details screen for each Payee (Employee) - see bottom left corner of screen.

The Payee Details screen can be accessed via Permanent Data Set > 4. Select Payees

Tick the 'Send code for this Payee' checkbox under JOBMAKER Hiring Credit Codes section, then select code from DropDown List.


JobMaker is dependent on a Hired Date as well as age of the employee. If submitting a Job Maker Hiring Credit code for an employee, ensure both Date of Birth and Hired date has been completed before lodging.

If you need to send more than one code for a Payee, send the first code in a Pay Event or an Update Event. After you have lodged the STP Report return to this screen and and select the 2nd code. Send the second code with your next Pay Event or as an Update Event. Allow up to 72 hrs for updated data to appear on ATO's Business Portal.

Each JobMaker code should only be sent once per Payee. After you have lodged your STP Report, return to this screen and remove the tick to ensure the code is not sent again in the next STP Report.

Final STP Report Data Screen

When you get to Step 4 of the STP Report process, the Warnings screen will show how many Payees currently have a JobMaker code in this report.

Review all Data on the final screen including the JobMaker data to ensure it is correct before Lodging. JobMaker Codes will appear under 'Other allowance 1, 2, 3 or 4' with an amount of $0.01.

If submitting a Job Maker Hiring Credit code for an employee, ensure both Date of Birth and Hired date has been completed before lodging.