Create New Data Set

Click this button to create a new Data Set file.

This brings up this screen which allows you add File Owner name and password, and select the type of Data Set file you will be using. Options are:

Your Full Name

Enter the Full Name of the Owner of this Data Set file. This will be added as a User in this Data Set file with full privileges. You will not need to enter the full name every time as you will select this user name from a drop down list. The Full Name will be used to populate the Declarer name on the Declaration which must be completed before the STP Report is transmitted to the ATO.

As the Owner you will be able to add other users to the Data Set file after it has been created.


Min 8 characters, at least one number, one uppercase letter and one lower case letter (ensure caps lock is not on).

Confirm Password

Re-enter the same password.

Password Hint

Enter something that will help you remember this password. There is no reset password feature, and the file will need to be sent to Namich for a password reset is you cannot access the file. You can view the hint if you forgot your password when signing in.

Select Data Set Type

Using with a MYOB file - select this option if you use MYOB® to process payroll. By linking the Data Set file to your MYOB® company file, STP Creator will be able to automatically extract the STP Data from the file.

Using without a MYOB file - select this option if you do not use MYOB® to process payroll. You will be able to enter the STP data on screen or import the STP Data. This changes how various screens work, disabling functions that are specific to MYOB users, and enabling functions that only non MYOB users can use.

Using to Adjust reported W1 W2 amounts only - select this option if you do not use STP Creator for STP reporting, and want to use STP Creator to Adjust W1 and W2 amounts reported via other STP software. This changes how the Main Screen works, and this Data Set file can only be used to Adjust or List.

Payroll Year

Enter the current Payroll Year for STP Reporting.

Licence File with ABN for this Data Set File

If STP Creator detects a licence file, it will pre-fill the path to the Licence file. Check to ensure this is the correct Licence file for this new Data Set file. If the patrh is not pre-filled, or if you want to use a different Licence file, click the Browse 2 and navigate to where the relevant licence file is saved, select the file and click Open. The licence path will be saved in this Data Set file to ensure STP Creator uses the correct licence for this Data Set file.


Click to Save the new Data Set file. STP Creator will prompt to save the Data Set file with the default name DataSetFile.dsf2 in the default location. You can override the file name and location as required.


Access on-line Help.


Close this screen without saving data.