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Namich Business Solutions - About us

Namich Business Solutions was established in 2007 with a combination of accounting and software development expertise. We are based in Adelaide SA and focus on developing compliance software for businesses reporting to the ATO. Our software is used by a number of large government agencies, Top Tier accounting firms, and thousands of businesses of various sizes.

We are a registered software developer with the ATO and all of our software complies with the ATO Specifications, including their Operational Framework. The ATO reviews our compliance with their security requirements annually.

See the ATO Product Register where a number of our products are listed. This Product Register only lists software that connects directly with the ATO via SBR, such as STP Creator and TPAR Generator

Other software such as our:

are not listed as these reports are uploaded via the ATO's Online Services for Business. While these products are fully compliant, the Product Register for such 'portal' products was discontinued by the ATO a few years back when it was outsourced.


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We Do The Work

If you prefer, we can do the work for you. See here

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If you need to upload a file to Namich, use this secure DropBox link to our account

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