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Solutions to Extend the Life of your Accounting Software

Accounting software is generally expensive. When a business outlays funds for an accounting package, there are always added expenses such as set up costs, training etc. Additionally if they use their package for payroll, they are confronted with the prospect of having to purchase a new package or updating their software version every year. Payroll is by far the main trigger requiring upgrades as it is the function most affected by compliance and reporting changes.

Many small businesses cannot afford to upgrade their software every year, although they often reluctantly do so. This site is focussed on helping small businesses find ways to extend the life of their accounting software. Some of the solutions are free, some require a small outlay. Some are more practical than others. It's up to each software user to determine if the extra step some solutions require is better than outlaying $1000+ each year for an upgrade.

We welcome input from others who have found solutions not listed here, as well as similar problems you are trying to find a solution to. Please use our Contact Us page.

Compliance and Reporting Changes that may require a new Version and Possible Solutions

PAYG Withholding tax tables

Employee Share Scheme Annual Report (ESS)

Payment Summaries and Annual PAYG Withholding Report (EMPDUPE file)

Single Touch Payroll

Sharing Economy Taxable Payments (SETP)

Taxable Payments Annual Reporting (TPAR) - Construction and Building Industry and Government Sector

Reporting Super on Payslips

SuperStream deadline extended

Changes to ATO lodgment arrangements - EMPDUPE TPAR TFN etc

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